Exhibition open from

Friday 26th – Wednesday 31st August

Broome Convention Centre Chinatown

  12 Frederick Street, Chinatown (just up from the Aarli Bar) 10:00am – 4:00pm

‘Oper-Arte’ is an initiative of OPERA UNDER THE STARS designed to provide a forum for the intermingling of the worlds of Opera and Visual Art.  Each year, to coincide with OPERA UNDER THE STARS, a Visual Artist is invited to present an exhibition of new works with OPERA UNDER THE STARS and experiences in Broome as its broad theme.

 Integral to each ‘Oper-Arte’ is the auction of an original artwork, kindly donated by the Artist, with the proceeds being utilised to increase access to musical instruments / materials for the children of Broome and the West Kimberley via donations to the 6 schools of Broome, the 3 schools of the Dampier Peninsula and La Grange Remote Community School at Bidyadanga.  Since 2004, instruments and equipment valued at over $47,000 have been donated.

 ‘Oper-Arte’ is the art exhibition with a difference that makes a difference as, not only does it provide a unique opportunity for the intermingling of the worlds of Opera and Visual Art but, ‘Oper-Arte’ is also making a singular difference in nurturing the musical lives and talents of the children of the West Kimberley, the musicians of the future.

 ‘Oper-Arte’ 2011 Auction

As part of the ‘Oper-Arte’ initiative Helen Norton’s  exhibition will incorporate the auction of an original artwork kindly donated by the Artist.